How to Integrate Sertifier with Zapier (Example integration with Google Sheets)

A few step guide on how to Integrate Sertifier and Google Sheets on Zapier.

Preparation Step: Sertifier

First, you need to have access to the API & Integrations from the Settings of your account. Then, you can move on with designing a certificate on the Sertifier Application. If you need a helping hand on that, check this manual.

As a last step, you need to create a draft on your Sertifier account. Make sure that you include the certificate design and details in that draft. You’ll be including your recipients trough Zapier.

Preparation Step: Google Sheets

Create a Google Sheets as you wish, but do not forget to add two questions: “First and Last Name” and “Email Address”. That’s it! If you are planning to add more variables to your credentials, please add them to the sheet. For example, if you are going to create a custom variable, you need to create and define a column for it.

Make sure that you save your answers as a spreadsheet.

Integration On Zapier

Open your Zapier account. On the main page, upper-left corner, you will see “Create Zap”, click that.

Integration Step: Google Sheets

In the “App & Event” section, write “Google Sheets” on the search bar and click the icon that appears below.

Extend the “Choose Trigger Event” menu and select “New Spreadsheet Row”, then click “Continue”.

You should see “Sign in to Google Sheets” in a blue box. Click that and activate your Google Account on the pop-up window. This is necessary for Zapier to connect two applications.

Now in the "Set Up Trigger" section. Choose the spreadsheet that you have prepared in the Spreadsheet section. After selecting your worksheet, press the continue button and complete it.

Check your Zap in the test section. So you can observe if an error has occurred.

Integration Step: Sertifier

The Action” part also has a section for choosing an app and event. Type “Sertifier” into the search box and click on our logo below.

Extend the “Event” menu and select the “New Campaign” option.

New Attributes: This Zap gets triggered when a new attribute is created.

New Badge Design: This Zap gets triggered when a new badge is created.

New Campaign: This Zap gets triggered when a new campaign is created.

New Certificate Design: This Zap gets triggered when a new certificate design is created.

New Detail: This Zap gets triggered when a new detail is created.

New Email Template: This Zap gets triggered when a new email template is created.

New Skills: This Zap gets triggered when a new skill is created.

Now you need to select the “Choose Account” and type in your Sertifier API Key. You can find your API key in your Sertifier account under Settings>API & Integrations.

In the "Setup action" part, we enter the necessary information and complete our Zap. The meaning of the blanks is explained below.

Delivery: This part is about the delivery that you want Zapier to work on. For this to work, you should first open your Sertifier account. Go to “Credentials” tab on the left menu and click on “Send New Certificate or Badge”. Select the issue that you have created from here.

Name: Select the answer field related to the “name and surname” from the trigger app.

Email: Select the answer field related to the “email” from the trigger app.

Issue Date: You can select it to be set to any time you want, or the time that the trigger has happened.

Expire Date: The date if you want the issued certificates to be expired. This is not required.

Quick Publish: If you want the certificates to be published at the time of form submission select, “true”

Attributes: If you have added any customized attributes in the certificate design, you can specify those to be automatically filled via the information that comes from your trigger application.

Let's test our Zap and check it one last time.

Your Zap is ready! Now turn it on with the button below or on the top right.

This setup will add a recipient automatically to every respondee of your form. To send digital credentials, just select your Draft in the Credentials dashboard and click send.