Sertifier + Degreed Integration

Connect your Degreed account & issue credentials automatically through Sertifier.

Connect Your Account To Sertifier

To connect your Degreed account to Sertifier, first, you need to provide your client ID and client secret key.

You can obtain API keys (Client ID and Client Secret credentials) using the administrator's dashboard or by contacting your Degreed Technical Solutions Specialist. Please contact Degreed for further information.

degreed integration

As you provide this information, your integration will turn automatically Active.

Create Your Credential Campaign

Now that you are connected, follow the below steps to create your credential campaign.

*Go to the Advanced > Integrations tab from the left menu on Sertifier.

*Click Create New Integration from the top left corner.

*Select Degreed from the integrations, and choose the related pathway on Degreed.

*Proceed with creating the credential details, credential design, and email template.

create degreed integration

Credential Detail

The detail page is where you input the information for your digital credentials.

Within the credential campaign flow, click on Select Detail, and then proceed by clicking the Create New Detail button.

degreed integration credential detail

To get started, your first step is to select a Credential Type. Then, provide all the information for your event. Include a detailed description, select the event duration, specify the cost, set an expiry date if needed, and indicate the appropriate level, if applicable.

credential details degreed integration

Credential Expiry

If the credential that you will send to your recipients has an expiry date, specify it while creating the certificate details. Otherwise, select the No Expiry Date option. 

When you set an expiry date, your recipients will receive email notifications one month before the credential's expiry. If you prefer not to send credential expiry email notifications to your recipients as their credential's expiry date approaches, you can disable this feature from this section.

earning criteria degreed integration

Enter the criteria for earning your credential. You can also utilize system or custom attributes at this stage.


skills degreed integration
The last step to finish your credential details is to add Skills. This is where you select the relevant skills related to the field you are teaching. You can either choose skills from the existing talent library or add custom ones.



Credential Design

Within the credential campaign, click either the Select Badge Design or "Select Certificate Design" option, or create both of them under the same campaign. Then, select Create New Design to customize your credential design. 

For more details on further customizing your credentials, click here.

credential design degreed integration

Once you've finished customizing your credential design, save it, and then continue with your campaign with the email step.

Email Template

Proceed with the Email Template, and click the Create New Email button. The Email Template tab is where you create and customize the email you'll be sending the credentials to your recipients. Here, you have the flexibility to personalize your email according to your preferences.

For more detailed information, please refer to this help article.

email template degreed integration


Your recipients will be retrieved automatically as they complete pathways on Degreed.

If you need further help with setting up the integration, feel free to reach us at