Setup Your Organization Profile

Within the General Settings section, you have the ability to upload your organization's logo, input your organization's name, share your address, and tailor the date format to suit your preferences.

If you prefer, you have the option to turn off email notifications for updates on credentials for your recipients, ensuring they do not receive any emails regarding their credentials from your organization.

This section allows you to share your contact information. Your email address and organization's website will be shown on the credential verification page for recipients to stay connected with you.

By entering your LinkedIn organization number, recipients can align their credentials with your organization on LinkedIn as they add their certification to their profile.

This is how their certifications will appear on their profile:

To expand your team within your Sertifier account, extend invitations to your colleagues. Simply navigate to Users > Add New User, where you can personalize their user permissions and send an invitation to their email address.

Reach out to us for your account setup-related questions at