Sertifier + LearnDash Integration

Integration with LearnDash allows you to send automated credentials to your students once they complete a course.

Download Plugin Zip File

In order to integrate the plugin into your LearnDash website, the initial step is to download the plugin zip file. To do this, you can visit this address. Then, click the green top right button and click the “Download ZIP” button.

API Key & Integration

Simply begin by logging in to your LearnDash account, go to the Plugins > Add New from the left menu and click “Upload Plugin” at the top left corner of the page. Then, upload the plugin .zip file and click install. After installing, you can active the plugin to start using the integration.

Once you activate Sertifier, click on Sertifier Certificates & Badges tab from the left menu, and click Settings. Now, you should enter your API key to activate the integration.

You can have access to your API key from Settings > API & Integrations when you log in to your Sertifier account. Copy and paste that code to the API Key field, and then proceed.

Creating Integrated Credentials in Sertifier

Go to your Sertifier account to integrate your digital credential for sending. Go to the Advanced > Integrations tab from the left menu, and click the Create New Integration button.

Select the LearnDash from the integrations list and proceed.

Now you can select the details, add your credential design, and add the email template to the credential sending.

Your integrated Credential will turn to “Active” on the top right corner once you’ve completed all the steps. Once you integration is active, you can now go back to your LearnDash LMS and select the credential you would like to proceed with. These integrated credentials will be the only type of credentials seen in your LearnDash integration panel.

Automated Sending

To issue your digital credentials automatically once your students/attendees complete a course, you should select the credential you want it to be automated from the Automated Sending menu. Select the credential you want your recipients to receive once they complete that course.

You can see who completed the course and received their credential by going to the Advanced > Integrations > Active tab from the left menu in the Sertifier App, and by clicking the Analytics button under the credential.

Manual Sending

You can manually send a digital badge or certificate that you created on your Sertifier account to a group of students on your LearnDash account.

To issue credentials manually, click the Send Now button to choose a credential to send your students. You should choose the credential you would like to issue manually from this list. 

Then, you can pick the integrated Credential you created in the Sertifier App. This will be the credential that will be sent to the users you select in the next step.

Select the students that you would like to issue credentials, and click Save Changes.

Congratulations! You’re all done with the integration.