Sertifier + Mini Course Generator Integration

Connect Sertifier with Mini Course Generator to send automated credentials to your attendees once they complete a training.

You can connect Sertifier with Mini Course Generator to send automated digital badges or certificates to your recipients.

You can go to Settings > API & Integrations tab from the left menu to have access to your publishable key. This is the API Key you will use to connect your Mini Course account to Sertifier.

sertifier app mini course integration API keyOnce you copy this key, you can go to, login to your account and create a new collection, and add Sertifier from the Completion menu.

mini course and sertifier integration setup

A new card will open up and you can now enter your API key by clicking the Sertifier Settings button.

mini course and sertifier integration setupmini course and sertifier integration setup

Now, you can select the Credential you would like to add to the integration.

mini course and sertifier integration setup

create new integrationTo create a new integration, go to the Advanced > Integrations tab from the left menu when you sign into the application, and click the "Create New Integration" button.

You can choose the Mini Course Generator from the list and proceed.

sertifier integrations list

Here, you can create the details of the digital credential you would like to add to Mini Course. You can select the details, credential design and add your email template.


Once you create all the details to your credential and select your recipients as a last step, your integration will turn "Active" and this means your integration is successfully done and is ready to use.
