Scheduled Credentials Guide

Schedule your credentials for a future time to automate sending your badges or certificates at a certain time.

What Is a Scheduled Credential?

Scheduled credentials allow you to automate sending your badges or certificates at a certain time by scheduling them.

You can view your scheduled credentials from the Credentials menu by going to the Scheduled tab, or create a new one If you don't have any.

If you wish, you can edit or cancel your scheduled credentials as well.

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How Can I Schedule My Credential For a Future Date?

After completing all the steps to send a credential, you can select the "Schedule for Later" option on the top right and enter the date you want to send. You can create a new scheduled credential from the Credentials>Scheduled menu as well.

Schedule Campaign

Can I Cancel My Scheduled Credential?

Yes, scheduled credentials can be cancelled. Go to the Credentials tab from the left menu and switch to the Scheduled menu from the top of the screen. You can cancel your scheduled issues by selecting the Cancel Issue option under the credential you have scheduled.

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