How to Create And Use Custom Attributes

Creating Custom Attributes for your certificates is a valuable feature that allows for personalization and customization.

To set up a Custom Attribute, navigate to the Attributes section within the credential designer. From there, you can create it by selecting the Create Custom Attribute button located at the bottom of the tab.
creating Attributes for digital certificates on Sertifier AppUpon clicking on the button, you can designate a name for your attribute and select the attribute type, such as text, date, or number. After entering the attribute details, simply click on the Add button to incorporate it into your certificate design. You have the flexibility to adjust the color, size, and placement of the attribute to suit your preferences.

creating Attributes for digital certificates on Sertifier AppThe custom attribute information is automatically sourced from the attributes you matched during recipient upload in the Recipients section.

choose attributes for digital credentials on Sertifier App

After uploading your recipient file, ensure that you match the custom attribute you have created.
choose attributes for digital credentials on Sertifier App

Related Articles: What Are Attributes and How Are They Used?